
Category: Personal Growth

Best Foot Forward

February 4, 2013
We have spent a lifetime learning how to walk. As infants we strive to take that first step, as toddlers we work to put one foot in front of the...

Setting New Boundries

January 28, 2013
My life has gotten a bit more complicated the last two months… maybe challenging would be a better word.  In November I was asked to take on the preaching responsibilities...

Regaining Balance After Life Knocks You Down

January 14, 2013
Living a perfectly “balanced life” sounds wonderful. Who wouldn’t want to tip-toe through life in a state of blissful harmony? But despite our best efforts to maintain equilibrium, life has...

A Parent’s Best Gift

December 10, 2012
As parents, we spend great time and effort trying to come up the right gift for our child during times of special celebration. Finding one that will provide both immediate...

A Spirit of Thankfulness

November 19, 2012
The tradition of Thanksgiving started in 1621 in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and was attended by 52 Pilgrims and 90 Native Americans.  The purpose of the celebration was to give thanks to...

Civil Discourse

October 16, 2012
I have been inundated, as you have no doubt, with political advertisements this election season.  Elections are the ultimate in adult competition, but I have to use the term “adult”...

A Time for Change

July 3, 2012
It is with many emotions that I sit down to write this blog.  Ironically, none of them negative.  I view life as a journey.  A journey that when listened too, can...

Why Some People Change, Others Don’t

June 25, 2012
I’m going to piggy-back off of Julia’s recent article in which she wrote about “striving to be the best version of you.” Reading it led me to think of the...

Best Version of You

June 11, 2012
In this line of work I read and recommend a lot of different books covering a variety of different issues. There is one book that I have found myself referring...

Ya’ Gotta Have Heart!

May 30, 2012
The day that I intellectually knew would arrive in my life came a bit unexpectedly on April 25th.  My appointment with my cardiologist was planned for five months and it...
Free Phone Consultation
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