Four Ways to Meet Your Goals in 2011
By: Beth Johnson
Four Ways to Meet Your Goals in 2011
We are into week two of 2011, are your resolutions set? Last week, Melissa talked about setting realistic and achievable goals for 2011. So now what? You’ve set your goals, you believe they are attainable, but many of us have no idea what to do next. How many years have you started off with the best of intentions only to fizzle out around week two or three? Here are four simple ways to put your resolutions into action:
1. Put them in front of you: You need to spend time thinking about, evaluating, and encouraging yourself DAILY towards your goals. With the hustle and bustle of life it is easy to go three or four days without even thinking about them. The easiest way to do this is to put them in your line of sight. Write out your goals, make it BIG, tape them to your bathroom mirror, your closet, your car dash, anywhere where you are going to see them daily. Then, every Sunday switch the location so you don’t get used to seeing them and stop actually noticing them.
2. Create action steps: When you first set your goal, create a list of action steps you’ll need to do to accomplish this goal. For example, if you want to get in shape, your action steps might include: setting a certain number of days to go to the gym, adjusting your diet, finding a workout buddy, etc. Break your goal up into doable chunks. Re-evaluate these action steps every Sunday. Look at the progress you’ve made or not made and make adjustments as needed. Notice your strengths and the areas you need to work on and set new action steps for the week ahead.
3. Celebrate the little victories: If you wait until you reach your goal to celebrate, you’ll be missing out on the journey. It takes a lot of work to change how you do life on a day to day basis, and you’re DOING IT! That’s a big deal. Think about how you like to celebrate and make a list of those things including, but not limited to, a pedicure, massage, a special lunch with friends, a night out, new book, whatever, as long as it is rewarding you for the changes you are making. Then celebrate the little victories along the way.
4. Ask for help: Sometimes we like to think we can do it all ourselves, and sometimes we can, but more often than not we need help along the way. Find someone who has achieved what you have and ask them to sit down with you and tell you what has worked for them. Pray and ask God for the wisdom, strength, and courage to make the changes you need to make. Friends are fantastic as well. Ask someone to encourage you along the way. If needed, even counseling can help. Remember, it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help, rather maturity.
You CAN achieve your goals for 2011!