1/17/25 Support for Teen Girls

Support for Teen Girls Group New Group beginning in February Due to the success of the first group, Jenna Thomas will be soon starting another round of her group to support girls ages 11-14. She will be covering topics such as: Body image Relationships and Friendships Anxiety Social skills Self-esteem Emotion regulation Academic pressure You can find more information HERE….
Support for Teen Girls Group
New Group beginning in February
Due to the success of the first group, Jenna Thomas will be soon starting another round of her group to support girls ages 11-14. She will be covering topics such as:
- Body image
- Relationships and Friendships
- Anxiety
- Social skills
- Self-esteem
- Emotion regulation
- Academic pressure
You can find more information HERE.
If you know a girl in this age range looking for support, this could be a great place for her!
To be added to the group or for any questions you may have, call, text, or email our office! 407-894-5202 info@