
October is “Gearing-Up” Month

October is “Gearing-Up” Month

It’s the month where we prepare for the busy-ness of the holiday season, the month where we work to make sure we end the year well, and it’s the month of fall where we see the most seasonal change.  And I would l like to suggest that you do something a bit different this month… Take a mandatory day to recollect, reflect, and refresh.  Granted, October is not the time this is usually done.  We tend to wait for the “quieter” months or weeks in our year that would provide more of a natural opportunity, like the summer months or the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.  But for me, these times seem more like recovery than proactivity.  And being proactive is more to the point of healthy living.

Recollect… part of your day needs to be a review of your life over the past six to twelve months.  What have you been doing spiritually, emotionally, relationally, professionally, physically, intellectually…?  If you’re like me, sometimes you’re too busy to even stop and assess.

Reflect… evaluation is the next step.  This is the “how am I really” step, the one that brings me to the point where I acknowledge whether or not I’m functioning well in each of these areas.  Take your time on this one and attempt to find a balance between being too hard on yourself or too easy.

Refresh… the next step is what needs to change in each of these areas and which changes have the greater priority.  For example, if your marriage is suffering due to lack of time together, that would require greater attention than a better work-out schedule.  Taking a fresh look is always helpful and will lead you into the holidays with a better attitude and more intentionality.

By now you’re saying, “Oh, that’s easy to say… find a day.  Where will I find a day that I can spend just doing these things?”  My answer is “How about tomorrow?”  And no, I’m not being a wise guy!  I cannot afford to miss an opportunity to do what is necessary for me to maximize my time, and hopefully you will come to see that you cannot put it off either.  Take that day… it could change your life!


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