
The Art of Self Care

The Art of Self Care

You’re going to laugh at me, but sometimes the best part of my month is lying on a rickety old table in the back of a nail salon with my eyes closed while someone spreads hot wax on my face and pulls my eyebrows out by the roots.

Seriously!! I’m not joking!

It iss pathetic isn’t it? I actually look forward to this painful moment? So after a conversation about self care with a colleague today I thought about my monthly “relaxing” pain sessions and why I enjoy them so much.

Then it hits me. Getting my eyebrows waxed has been the only time I’ve had lately to “turn off”. To completely unplug my brain and shut down without the distraction of the TV, radio or phone call. This is not good! Not good for me physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally. We need the time to turn off our brains and “un-plug”. Don’t get me wrong, I get it! I understand that it is hard to carve out time in a week where we are not cleaning, meal planning, doing homework with children, helping a friend, etc etc. But we need to make time, I need to make time. Without this self care we become useless to the people around us, or even worse, leechy…so desperate to be filled emotionally we’re draining the life out of those around us.

So this week I’m taking my own advice and I am cultivating the art of self care. I will find time in my day, everyday to sit, be, breathe, pray, mediate and be calm. Even if it is only for 10 minutes, I will do it. Won’t you join me?

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